Welcome to the "Dawn Of Battle"

“In a society that hates me deeply and scars my soul daily, in countries that have branded me as an outcast and deprived me of any sense of belonging, in a world the foundations and rules of which I deny, being likeable would mean that I am starting to look like it.”


Η Αταξία Ενός Σκούφου…Ξανάρχεται!

Η Αταξία Ενός Σκούφου

Από 14 Δεκεμβρίου – 12 Ιανουαρίου

Κάθε Παρασκευή και Σάββατο στις 9:15 στο θέατρο Rabbithole (Γερμανικού 20), Μεταξουργείο.

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Είσοδος: Ελεύθερη συνεισφορά

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Σκηνοθεσία – Συγγραφή: Ομάδα Σπίρτο

Παίζουν: Αλάραμπι Μαρία, Βρακά Τζοάννα, Τσομάκα Ευαγγελία, Σκαρμέας Πέτρος

Κοστούμια: Μ. Αλάραμπι

Φωτισμοί: Γ. Σίμωνας


Δύο λόγια για το έργο “Η αταξία ενός σκούφου”
Ένας συγγραφέας – αφηγητής προσπαθεί να συνθέσει την δικιά του ιστορία. Έχοντας ως στόχο να αποδώσει, όσο καλύτερα γίνεται, τον αυθορμητισμό, το χιούμορ και την δυναμικότητα των προσώπων ζωντανεύει τους ίδιους τους ήρωες του έργου επί σκηνής. Άλλοτε καθοδηγεί και άλλοτε αφήνει ανεξέλεγκτους τους ήρωες που δημιουργεί στην φαντασία του. Το κεντρικό πρόσωπο της ιστορίας είναι ένα παιδί, που δίνει τον δικό του αγώνα απέναντι σε μια κοινωνία που άλλοτε του φαίνεται αφιλόξενη και παράλογη και άλλοτε μαγευτική. Όλα τα πρόσωπα που εμπεριέχονται στον διαδραστικό κύκλο ζωής του παιδιού παίζουν το ρόλο τους για το πώς σκέφτεται και το πώς δρα…Από τους γονείς του μέχρι έναν περαστικό που συναντάει…Το έργο πραγματεύεται το κατά πόσο η κοινωνία καθορίζει ένα άτομο, πόσο χώρο του αφήνει να σκεφτεί και να δράσει με ελεύθερη βούληση όταν οι περισσότερες σχέσεις γύρω του λειτουργούν κυριαρχικά – ανελεύθερα.

ΘΕΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΟΜΑΔΑ ΣΠΙΡΤΟ: http://spirto2011.wordpress.com/

To blog αυτό θέλουμε να αποτελέσει ένα ζωντανό δίαυλο επικοινωνίας μεταξύ όσων ενδιαφέρονται  για τη τέχνη και δίνοντας την ευκαιρία για ένα ανοιχτό διάλογο πάνω σε ο,τι αφορά το χώρο της τέχνης. Η συζήτηση (διαδικτυακή ή άμεση) πάνω στα θέματα που καταθέτουμε εξελίσσει και συνδιαμορφώνει πιο βαθιά  τις σκέψεις και τις δράσεις μας. Στόχος μας είναι να θέσουμε ερωτήματα και να πάρουμε θέση σε ζητήματα που μας προβληματίζουν αναδομώντας μια καινούρια μορφή και εισάγοντας περιεχόμενα τα οποία θα προκύψουν από μας τους ίδιους σε συνάρτηση με την τέχνη. Η ομάδα Σπίρτο είναι ένα ανοιχτό σύνολο ανθρώπων που έχουν σαν βασικό συστατικό τη συμπόρευση στη δημιουργία και την προσπάθεια να αναπραγματευθεί έννοιες, αξίες και δράσεις στο χώρο της τέχνης. Η επαφή με ανθρώπους που θέλουν να μας προσεγγίσουν είναι ένα εντελώς ζωτικό κομμάτι για μας και θα αποδείκνυε πως αυτή η προσπάθεια που έχουμε ξεκινήσει αρχίζει να αποκτάει έναν πιο συλλογικό παλμό.


ATTACK Interview - Fantasy, Life and Destinies of War with Ricky Van Helden...

ATTACK Interview - Fantasy, Life and Destinies of War with Ricky Van Helden...

Prologue: Some secrets are better kept than others. Some secrets are yet to be discovered. Ricky Van Helden, the frontman, founder and creative mastermind and overall genius behind the legendary band ATTACK, shares a few words with us about Music, Fantasy, Life and Destiny. The past, present and future of ATTACK, blended perfectly in a journey between the magical world of Heavy Metal. 

Hello Ricky and welcome! It’s nearly 30 years since you formed Attack. What do you remember from those days?

Well... I remember many things of all this Time... there where good years and not so good years, but at least we only tried to make the music, what we liked.

You are one of those musicians who are very active in social media (Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, etc). Some people say that internet is good for promoting music but, it might destroy the myth. Do you believe that internet is good or bad for a band?

Normally I say that the Internet is not a good thing for music, cause I think too, that it destroys the myth. On the other hand Bands and musicians can promote their music and other Information so that People can get it if they want. I opened Profiles their to save my Name, cause I saw that other people opened accounts with my Name. That was the reason.

It seems like you never had a very steady lineup. Also in most albums you name is next to most instruments. How did you usually record for an album?    

That’s right. We changed the Line-up sometimes in all this years. It was not funny to say "Good bye" to some musicians, but new blood brings new inspirations. Well, when we recorded in Studios it was different... Sometimes I had to play the Drums too...and all the other stuff... and sometimes we recorded normally as a Band. This was my personal Destiny.

Attack is one of those bands that blend the epic feeling perfectly with majestic guitar melodies, power vocals and bass/drumming and even keyboards sometimes. Only a few bands have accomplished it like Iron Maiden or Warlord. Was that the sound that you were always aiming for, or did it just came out like this?

In the beginning we where a Trio and had a style a little bit like Rush. Later we played with 2 Guitars and became another Sound... and we were inspired by Music we heard at that Time... I liked the Drive of Iron Maiden more to play, than the Groove of AC/DC. But at least you make the Sound of how your musicians play. A good example is Led Zeppelin. The Voice of Robert Plant, together with the Guitar-Style of Jimmy Page which is his own, the great Drummer John Bonham (he has his own Style too) and Bassist and Keyboarder John Paul Jones created a their unique and their very own music...with another Singer or Drummer it would not have been possible.

Your themes are mainly fantasy, war, life, etc. From other bands to books or movies, what were your main influences?

Heavy Metal is Fantasy, War and Life... Movies like "Braveheart", "The 13th Warrior" or "Gladiator" bring me not in a mood to hear Country-Music. What’s better, than to dream about a Fantasy-World, you’ve never seen? I like such Movies...and I like Music with these Themes.

Are there any newer bands that you listen to right now? Any good records that you heard lately?

What is new? ...Anyway... I just heard "Turisas"... I like some of these Scandinavian Bands. And I hear many of these older Bands too… Manowar, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Nightwish, and so on.

One of the main problems in every country nowadays is the economy. What is the main impact of that situation for bands and artists? Has the whole “crisis” affected you somehow?

Well...I don’t like what’s going on in the Music World... We live in a rich men’s World and I think music has to do with feelings and not with money.

You are a guy who has a wide perception of music and you play many instruments. Have you ever considered of playing something else, recording something different?

Yes...often I play classic music and more progressive things...and sometimes I record it too...but only for me.

Your albums are very rare and difficult to find. Also, if someone finally finds one of them, he has to pay a small fortune to get it. Have you ever considered rereleasing them?

I know this... but just in Greece some Records of ATTACK will be re-released... step by step… I think next Month "Destinies of War" comes out there in a CD and Vinyl-Version on "Lighten the Underground-Records"... last year the Label "Steel Legacy-Records" released "The Secret Place". "Seven years in the Past", Revitalize" and ""Return of the Evil" will follow.

You’ve also recorded a lot of demos in the 80s. Do you have the tapes from those demos? Do you plan to release them?

I have no Demos of this Time anymore...maybe other people have it.

I believe that you have recorded or where about to record a song with Ross the Boss for a band from Argentina. Do you care to share some info on that?

Yes that’s right... but this Band split up...

You know, I lost a very good friend of mine very recently and your song “Heroes Die Young” was a good companion in these hard times for me. What’s the story behind that song?

First I will say sorry that you lost a friend... The Story is that in the middle-age Kings and Warlords force young men into Wars... and nobody remembers the young who died, before their Life begins…

Attack, like many other bands, was inactive for many years. But you told me that Zacky Tsoukas and Thorsten Köhne had mailed you last year about returning to action and it’s slowly happening, like a lot of other bands recently. Do you believe that people are turning to the classic Heavy Metal sound once more? How was it like in the 80s and 90s?

I don’t know, but the next year will show, if I can realize it... but when it happens, it will be like the Style we have.

You have released the compilation “Warriors Of Time” last year and I believe that you are currently in the process of making a new album. How is it going?

"Warriors of Time" was released from a German Company... and I have the hope to make a new Album soon… But who knows? ;-)

From all those years with Attack, what is your best and what is your worst memory?

The best where the feelings of the 80´s… all this Gigs and Tours with all the Fun we had... the worst thing where the last 5 Years, cause ATTACK seems dead... but we will be back…

I think that I have seen photos of Attack playing live, but never a live video. Did you use to play many concerts back then? Is there live footage from the band?

There are Live-Videos too, but not in the Internet. Also we have some Video-Clips. Maybe they will be uploaded some day. Yes, we played many Shows in the 80s and 90s.

You know, there are some music festivals where many older and newer bands who still uphold the banner of Heavy Metal, like “Keep It True” in Germany and “Up The Hammers” in Greece. Have you heard of those festivals? Have you got any future plans for any shows or is it too early?

Of course I know these Festivals and we where invited to this, also in Greece... maybe, if it’s Gods will, we will play there, next Time.

Ok, time for the “Never Ending Story” of the band. What’s going on with the album “Deadlocked” which you have recorded from 1996? 

"Deadlocked" was my Destiny... I hope, to release it next year. I had so many Problems with this Album that I must release it... cause only then the way is free for a new Album.

Thanks once more Ricky. I have one last question. What are your future plans for the band?

It was an honor for me, Elias. My Future Plans are to make a new Album, to release "Deadlocked" and a Solo Album.


Nightfall - Cassiopeia [Metal Blade, 2012]

Nightfall - Cassiopeia [Metal Blade, 2012]

Another record from Nightfall named “Cassiopeia”, their second one after their return back in 2010 and the great release “Astron Black And The Thirty Tyrants” from Metal Blade Records that followed. Forget the old days of semi-goth/semi-black Nightfall this record is pure melodic black metal in the style of their previous one, with brutal screams from the depths of Hell. 

The record starts with the song “Phaethon”, where pompous keyboard parts and light guitar melodies, along with a more “relaxed” singing from Efthimis, prepares you for the hell that is about to break loose. Efthimis’s voice throughout the record, sounds like a beast that is rising out of the abyss and blends perfectly with the raging drum beat which is dominant in most songs. The guitar melody parts are 100% “to the point” and not a “hit and miss” situation. A thing that becomes even more obvious in songs like “The Nightwatch”, where the riffing and melodies really grab you by the neck. The next two songs “Stellar Parallax” and “Hubris” continue in the same devastating riff ‘n’ melody pattern which keeps a doomy black feeling without a great presence from the keyboards. Then the sound starts becoming faster and more hellish once more in “The Reptile Gods” and “Hyperion”, but especially songs like “Akhenaton” and “The Sand Reckoner” really tear you apart and the last song “Astropolis” ends the record in the most appropriate manner. The band is definitely back on track and as far as I’m concerned, this is one of the best Nightfall records.


1)      Phaethon
2)      Oberon And Titania
3)      Colonize Cultures
4)      The Nightwatch
5)      Stellar Parallax
6)      Hubris
7)      The Reptile Gods
8)      Hyperion
9)      Akhenaton, The 9th Pharaoh Of The 18th Dynasty
10)  The Sand Reckoner
11)  Astropolis


Efthimis Karadimas - vocals
Evan Hensley - guitars
Constantine - guitars
Stathis Ridis - bass
Stathis Kassios - keyboards
Jörg Uken - drums

Download is a substitute, support real music and buy some records!

Also on Burst.gr - http://www.burst.gr/archives/albums/item/2395-nightfall-cassiopeia


Devon Graves, Live @ The Drugstore, Athens, Greece, 8/12/2012

Devon Graves, Live @ The Drugstore, Athens, Greece, 8/12/2012

The first time that I heard Devon Graves (AKA Buddy Lackey) in a record was a little more than 15 years ago. The record was “A Social Grace” by Psychotic Waltz, a real masterpiece of music. The band was not active at the moment so, it would be a wild dream to think that in 15 years from then I’d have seen Devon not one, but three times live, with Deadsoul Tribe, Psychotic Waltz and as a solo artist.

The 8th of December is really a sad day for music. Two great musicians were shot to death on that day, John Lennon and Dimebag Darell. The whole day in Athens was cloudy and gloomy with lots of rain as well, which combined with the traffic made it from hard to impossible for many people to attend tonight’s gig.

I arrived at the bar were the gig was about to take place a little earlier, to grab a beer and chat with friends and Devon. The bar was really small but the 60-70 people who attended the gig were very comfortable inside. At about 1,5 hour after the doors opened Devon went “on stage”, which wasn’t actually a stage, more like a small opening near the bar, but spacious enough. I had already asked him if he was going to play songs from his great album with the band “The Shadow Theory” but I got a negative answer. I also got the same negative answer when I asked him if he was planning to come for a gig with them. Oh well, we can’t have everything.

The place was packed and Devon started with some classic Deadsoul Tribe tunes. The sound was really good (I think that Devon was working on the sound a little earlier). One or two covers came along, aw well as some songs from the album “The Strange Mind Of Buddy Lackey”. A small speech from Devon followed and the first break of the show. Devon is well informed about the way the music industry works nowadays as well as the fact that the companies do not support musicians the way they used to so, he is planning to start his personal website, from which he will be distributing his music in the form of free downloads. He is also planning to record a new album with Psychotic Waltz. And that’s more than enough for now; I wouldn’t want to get into any more details about what he shared with us for the future.

After the break he came back with a couple of more Deadsoul Tribe songs for us and… the first Psychotic Waltz tunes! Such hymns as “Drift” and “Hanging On A String” played with only an acoustic guitar and Devon’s voice are magic beyond words. I can’t really describe the sentiment, but I’m sure that everyone could feel it at that moment. A fantastic cover of Rainbow’s song with DIO came along, another real blast of the night. “Catch The Rainbow” might be a classic and catchy ballad, but Devon gave his best to play it like it should be played, by putting all your soul to it. Two more hymns from Psychotic Waltz, “I Remember” and “My Grave”, three more covers, and that was the end of a very special show, that only few people enjoyed. However, some things are better to be left for the “few” and not the “many”. I couldn’t leave unmentioned though, the “hot sweet stuff”as Devon called it, known to us as “rakomelo” a combination of raki and honey, which Devon seemed to enjoy, a lot!

After the end of the show, we started yelling one of the most known to the fans of Devon Graves motto, which combined our desire for one more songs, as well as the old name of Devon Graves, Buddy Lackey. Devon just smiled and played a couple of more songs for us. One of them was a cover to “Tribute”, with lyrics inspired from Psychotic Waltz.

Devon Graves setlist:

Toy Rockets
Some Sane Advice
Space Oddity (David Bowie cover)
Lady Of Rain
Goodbye City Life
Some Day
Into The Spiral Cathedral
Just Like A Timepiece
Cry For Tomorrow/Spiders And Flies
Black Smoke And Mirrors
Hanging On A String
Catch The Rainbow (Rainbow cover)
I Remember
My Grave
Imagine (John Lennon cover)
Hotel California (Eagles cover)
Tribute (AKA “The Greatest Song In The World”, Tenacious D cover)

Also on Burst.gr - http://www.burst.gr/live/reports/item/2381-devon-graves-live-the-drugstore-athens-greece-8-12-2012
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